Revolve Dance


Donate for Revolve Dance Festival and to support The Association for Sport and Social Integration

The Association for Sport and Social Integration (Asis Mapamond) is a non-profit association internationally active ; aims, among other things, to promote and support young talents, artistic and sporting cultural events. It attracts funds for supporting sports and cultural-artistic activities, as well as for young people who need support.

Tax identification code: 28320390

Nr. Reg. Com / Aut. Regl / Data : 0771726/08/04/2011

Address: Str C.A. Rosetti nr. 25, ap 32, 020011, Bucuresti, S2, RO

EXIM BANK Banca Romaneasca, sucursala Stefan cel Mare, Bucuresti

IBAN RON: RO49BRMA508102521267RO01

BAN EURO: RO06BRMA508102521267EU01

230 form

Application regarding the destination of the amount representing up to 3.5% of the annual tax

Asociația pentru Sport și Integrare Socială MAPAMOND
